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Tenant Home Insurance

Protecting Your Belongings


Why do I Need Tenant Home Insurance?

A standard tenant home policy generally provides coverage for your tangible property while you are living in a space your do not own, such as house, apartment, or condo. It protects your belongings in the event of a destructive situation, such as a fire or a theft. It also protects you for personal liability for any injuries and property damage to others caused by you or members of your family (including your household pets), provided they are not excluded from your policy.

Do You

  • Have any jewelry that would be difficult to replace or repair if lost or stolen? Is it covered?

  • ​​Have items in a storage unit?  Did you buy the proper coverage?

We can help you find the best coverage options for your personal needs. We offer many options beyond standard coverage. If you need any help with the above questions - call us at 513-527-2200. Or view the FAQ’s below.

Tenant Home Insurance FAQ’s

Question #1

Do I Even Need Insurance if My Landlord Has Insurance

You need renter's insurance even if your landlord has insurance. Although your landlord almost certainly has property and liability insurance, your landlord's policy doesn't cover the items that you keep inside your apartment, and it doesn't protect you if a guest is injured and sues you for liability.

Question #2

Why do I Need Renters Insurance If I Don't Own a Lot of Personal Property 

Renter's insurance is still important even if you don't have much personal property because of the liability component. Also, chances are your personal property is worth more than you think.


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